Every morning is good and every day will be great when we learn the right way to start the day. What made your morning fresh? Is it the long good night sleep? the good morning text from your loveones? Or the sweet aroma of your favorite coffee? (Well that works for me though) Everybody has their own way of starting a busy long day but there are also some good catch on how to set a good atmosphere in your mornings.
1. Start the day with thanksgiving. Have some 5 to 10 minutes quiet time in prayer or reading the scriptures it will equip you for the long day ahead.
2. Condition your body through exercise. Jogging or brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes will do.
3. Eat a healthy breakfast (though we usually rush every morning).
The main key to these steps is to push yourself out of bed early in the morning and make it your daily habit.

Have a great day ahead!


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